Ndewo (Hello)

Hi There! I’m Chioma, aka Adaoma Igbo

Adaoma Igbo is a native Igbo Language speaker and a professional tutor. She is ever willing to help you achieve your dreams of Igbo  Language fluency and proficiency, via one on one teaching sessions which is self- paced and fun-filled.

It is sad but true reality that the use of Igbo Language by the younger natives (both at home and in the Diaspora) is decreasing at a fast rate and may possibly go into extinction in no distant time, if nothing is done to salvage the  situation. Hence, as a concerned native, I took it as a challenge to help restore the Language on the lips of the speakers, through my signature programme, The Igbo Perfect Guide.

The Igbo Perfect Guide is for you if you have a challenge in:

  • Speaking
  • Writing
  • Reading

My Story

The quest to help restore Igbo Language  to the lips of the natives began when my daughter, Chinwendum entered Nursery1. Going through her school work, I discovered she is offering 14 subjects with  none of the Nigerian Languages!

I reached out to her Head Mistress to know why. Sadly, she replied that it’s pretty hard to get Language teachers, especially Igbo  teachers! Thus, I decided to consciously draft out Igbo Lesson time for my daughter at home to help her, for we reside in a non- Igbo speaking state of Nigeria.

She is doing great  Igbo- wise at 4years and I’d love to replicate same success in your life and that of your kids!

I currently live in Port Harcourt, Nigeria with my husband and kids.

Get In Touch!

Why Hire Me?

I understand how frustrating it can be when you are unable to communicate with your kids or with fellow adults in your native language, either at home or in the public place, especially in the presence of a third party!
You have a time demanding job, thus,
unable to create time to teach your kids your native language.
You’d love your content aptly and timely transcribed for wider reach and impact?
I will help you overcome this via my tested and proven teaching methods and ideas.
Learn more from our services page.